We research and analyse proposals, create technology road maps, product or service road maps and implement innovation programmes that are strategic, timely and profitable

Our Innovation process

We have created our offering based on fundamentals of innovation, our challenging approach creates strategy, our management experiences deliver. Each innovation project is uniquely combined with a specialist through our trusted global network so the energy created is in alignment of success leading to strategic partnerships

Glasgow, Scotland A culture of innovation

Innovation business ltd is thriving in Scotland’s long tradition of innovation remains as strong today as it ever has been. Smart, profitable ideas flow from the broad mix of multinational firms based here, and from the diverse business, academic and technology communities that support them. From the telephone and penicillin to the ATM and the colour photograph, Scotland has claim to a lot of great inventions and discoveries over the years. Today, innovation is felt, taught and incorporated across the whole of Scottish life, work and play. We’re working on ground-breaking innovative products and services – like E-cars that helps B2B deliveries and detect humans, flat-packed building blocks made from recycled plastic, Innovative hydrogen technology, revolutionary power generation models .

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